Warren County Central Committee Precinct

A recent letter from meβ€” your Warren County Central Committee Precinct Representative.



My name is Brenda Ihle and I am your Warren County Central Committee Representative.

My job is to keep you, my precinct neighbors, informed of candidates. What they stand for as well as issues that will be on the ballot and what that means for you. As you know, we are coming up on another important election in a few short months.

In order to keep you informed, I need you phone/text number and email address. This way I can send you a text message or email giving you the information above. At the same time, you will be able to send me a text message and/or email asking questions/and or expressing your concerns. Since I represent you, this is the best way for us to communicate.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Brenda Ihle
Warren County Central Committee Rep; Precinct 5