A Wonderful Healthy and Delicious Good Carb Recipe You Will Love This Winter

1 1/2 small sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-in pieces

Mashed Sweet Potato and Carrots

1 lb carrots, cut into 1-in pieces

Kosher salt and pepper

1/2 cup unsweetnened vanilla almond milk

3 Tbsp whipped butter

1 tsp cinnamon


Place vegetables in a large pot, add enough water to cover by an inch, and bring to a boil. Add 3/4 tsp salt, reduce heat, and simmer until vegetables are tender, 15-20 minutes.

Drain, return to the pot. Cook on medium, stirring, until liquid has evaporated, 2 minutes.

Remove from heat; add almond milk, butter, cinnamon, and 1/2 tsp each salt and pepper, and mash until smooth. Serve sprinkled with thyme.

200 calories per serving…….Woman’s Magazine; 2019.

I might add this is very healthy; one of the good carbs; breaks down sugar slowly…….Brenda Ihle, A Health Connection

A Natural Remedy for Seasonal Allergies

Several times a year, we deal with allergies; both spring and fall and sometimes in between.
A Health Connection offers a natural way to remedy this situation.

2-3 drops Young Living Thieves Essential Oil
2-3 drops Young Living Lemon Essential Oil
2-3 drops Young Living Lavender Essential Oil
2-3 drops Young Living Peppermint Essential Oil
1-2 ounces water or juice

Contact me for other natural and healthy remedies!

Brenda Ihle,RN,CHN,HHP
513 515-0710

Most Healthy Foods For Wintertime or Anytime!

Fresh,green vegetables…..high in micronutrients; spinach, mustard greens, broccoli, kale and collard greens

Organic Protein…..these help in stabilizing blood sugars and energy levels; organic meat, chicken, wild salmon, eggs, peas, almonds and chia seeds

Extra-virgin cold-pressed, organic oils…..healthy fats; olive and coconut oils

Seeds…..great on salads and in smoothies; sesame, sunflower, chia and pumpkin seeds

Honey (or unrefined sugar substitute)…..sweets are an important part of the 4 tastes of the palate: sweet, salty, savory and bitter; organic honey, stevia, coconut sugar and maple sugar

Lemons…..natural detoxifyers; great on salads and in filtered water and salads

Sea salt…..rich in micronutrients; good to switch from table salt

Herbs…..can transform your cooking as they add new taste sensations to your food; parsley, coriander, basil and dill

Apple cider vinegar…..great for your digestion and system body flush first thing in the morning; Bragg’s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is delicious and affordable

Brenda Ihle, RN,CHN,HHP
A Health Connection LLC
513 515-0710

10 Ways to Prevent Winter Illness

1. Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water daily
2. Regular mild exercise; 3-4 times weekly
3. Be sure you have adequate vitamin D; such as salmon; 1-2 times weekly and/or take a good whole food vitamin D
4. Get enough sleep; whatever your body requires
5. Build your immune system by eating adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables daily while taking whole food vitamin C and D
6. Wash hands frequently and adequately.
7. Avoid flu vaccines
8. Be sure you have a basic healthy diet; keeping treats to a minium
9. Keep learning, laughing and loving; not just a saying or motto, but this is true
10. Stay thankful to the good Lord!!

A Health Connection offers a good whole food supplement of vitamin D, a sustained release vitamin C and one to build a depleted immune system.
AHC also offers a well-rounded variety of natural ways to stay healthy.

See www.ahealthconnection.com and ways to contact me……

Brenda Ihle, RN, CHN, HHP

Health Benefits of Essential Oils

With winter just around the corner, it is time to think once again about ‘winterizing’ your family and your home. Essential Oils are a wonderful alternative to drugs that can have negative side effects. They are also a great way to keep the atmosphere in your home free of pathogens.

There are many combinations of these oils to use for various health issue and situations and so much fun to work with. Watch for a soon upcoming demonstration of these awesome Essential Oils.

Brenda Ihle, RN,CHN,HHP

A Health Connection LLC


The 9 Benefits of Cholesterol in the Diet

Why all the fuss about good and bad cholesterol in the diet? I agree with physicians who are now saying that the problem is not cholesterol, but inflammation……

There are 9 benefits of cholesterol in the diet…..

1. Cholesterol is vital for balanced hormones and the manufacture of those that deal with the stress of everyday living. These hormones also are protective against heart disease and cancer.

2. Cholesterol is needed by the body to make all the sex hormones including andogen, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone and DHEA.

3. Cholesterol is necessary for the body to properly use Vitamin D, which is critical for all body systems including the bones, nerves, proper growth, mineral metabolism, muscle tone, insulin production, fertility and strong immunity.

4. Bile salts made by the liver require cholesterol. Bile is critical to the digestive process and absorption of dietary fats.

5. Cholesterol functions as a powerful antioxidant in the body and is protective of free radical damage to tissues.

6. Cholesterol is vital for proper functioning of the brain. Cholesterol is used by serotonin receptors (serotonin is the body’s natural ‘feel good’ chemical). No wonder low cholesterol levels have been associated with aggressive and violent tendencies, depression and suicide.

7. Breast milk is ideally rich in cholesterol and contains a special enzyme for the baby to properly utilize it. Babies and children need cholesterol for proper growth and development of the brain, nervous system and immune function.

8. Cholesterol is necessary for proper functioning of the intestines and maintaining the integrity of the intestinal wall. Low cholesterol diets can lead to leaky gut syndrome and other digestive problems.

9. Cholesterol is critical to repair of damaged cells. This is why cholesterol levels naturally rise as we age and are beneficial to the elderly. Women with the highest cholesterol actually live the longest. Dr. Meyer Texon MD, a respected pathologist practicing at New York University Medical Center, observes that accusing saturated fat and cholesterol for hardening of the arteries is like accusing white blood cells of causing infection……Brenda Ihle, RN, CHN, HHP….A Health Connection LLC

What do you think…

… is the best way to engage in a new activity to reach a goal; whether it may be improved health, weight loss, further your education and raising a family?For most of us, it is One Step At A Time. When looking at a goal, it seems bigger than we are. It isn’t, but it looks that way because we are generally looking at the end result or the big picture. If we can break things down and look at it in smaller pieces or one step at a time, it seems much more feasible. A Health Connection offers exactly that, whether it is detox, weight loss or any healthy goal………Brenda Ihle, RN, CHN, HHP…….Coming soon……Class on Essential Oils.

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Winterize You and Your Family Against the ‘Winter Blues’ the Natural Way!

‘Winter Blues’ sometimes include the flu, colds, sinus infections and other uncomfortable conditions and there are many over-the-counter products to treat these woes. Then. there is also the option of going to the doctor, paying for an office visit, and getting a prescription for antibiotics and drugs. These may treat the symptoms, but often leave harmful side effects and many times, do not solve the real issue.

A Health Connection does things differently. Firstly, the products I recommend to you are all natural and do not have harmful side effects. Secondly, they act much more quickly because they are natural and not chemical. Thirdly, there are no harmful side effects. Fourthly, the whole package is much more ‘cost effective’ than the alternatives mentioned above.

So, what do you have to lose except the ‘Winter Blues?’

Contact A Health Connection at www.ahealthconnection.com to learn more about the natural way to overcome the ‘Winter Blues.’

Brenda Ihle, RN, CHN, HHP……A Health Connection

Do You Know What Digestive Enzymes Are, Where They Come From and What They Do? Read On……..

Digestive enzymes are substances produced in our bodies by the pancreas and some in the salivary glands.

Their purpose is to break down the foods we eat in order for them to be distributed and utilized throughout our bodies. They are necessary for life.

Sometimes, due to illness, long-term medication use or an unhealthy diet, a person’s body will stop producing these needed enzymes. When this happens, the food one eats cannot do the individual any nutritional good, and, if it continues, he or she will not survive.

One of the signs of the lack of digestive enzymes is noticed when an individual loses control of his or her bowels after eating. Another indication of the lack of enzymes is when a person eats very well throughout the day, yet they lose weight and become thinner and thinner. This is a very debilitating condition that eventually is fatal. But, even if a person experiences a serious illness and takes medication over a period of time, he or she can begin producing their own digestive enzymes again from their diet. Raw fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of enzymes. However, the American diet is generally enzyme-deficient because the majority of the food we consume has been cooked or processed.

Digestive enzymes can also be taken orally from a whole food source of supplementation. They can be taken before or during a meal to help with occasional symptoms like gas, heartburn, water retention bloating and fatigue. They can be taken between meals as well since they are used up in the digestive process.

A Health Connection offers excellent digestive enzymes as well as a program to help individuals regain the production of his or her own enzymes……..Brenda Ihle, RN, CHN, HHP

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The Great Cholesterol Myth: Find Out What the Real Culprits in Heart Disease Are

I have been saying for several years now that I didn’t believe cholesterol was the culprit many say it is. This is because I know it a precursor for hormone production as well as a needed nutrient for our body; especially the brain……

I would like to share another opinion by a doctor in the medical field……Cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra…..

“I was doing angiograms on people with 150 cholesterol count who had far advanced heart disease. On the contrary, I was doing angiograms on others with cholesterol of 280 and they had no heart disease.”

February is American Heart Month. Heart disease kills more Americans than any other cause of death.

Most doctors tell people high cholesterol is responsible for heart disease. But not all doctors see it that way.

Dr. Stephen Sinatra says the real cause of heart disease is inflammation, not cholesterol, and I agree with him.

Dr. Sinatra says Statin drug side effects can be debilitating causing muscle pain, fatigue and other negative effects. This outweighs any help they may be in many cases.

Hydrogenated oils and too much sugar in the diet are some of the main culprits in causing heart disease. Learning how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet are wonderful preventives of heart disease and many other debilitating conditions.

A Health Connection not only offers products, but services as well to help educate clients in regaining and maintaining good health……..Brenda Ihle, RN
Certified Holistic Nutritionist
Holistic Health Practitioner