Do you know that certain foods are more beneficial to your health than others according to your blood type? There are others that can make your body toxic. Some have also been proven to fight cancer. Richard Belivearu, PhD, says, “All the studies on cancer and nutrition point to eating plant-based foods for their phytonutrients and other special compounds”. Aim for five to nine daily servings of all kinds of fruits and vegetables but especially ones that will compliment your blood type and can fight cancer as well.
When choosing vegetables a good choice for Type O is Broccoli, while Type A may benefit more from Spinach. Type B should try adding more carrots into their diet, and AB should go for Cauliflower. Broccoli in particular contains a sizable amount of sulforaphane, a particularly potent compound that boosts the body’s protective enzymes and flushes out cancer-causing chemicals. It may help combat cancers such as breast, liver, lung, prostate, skin, stomach, and bladder.
Choose nuts and seeds according to your blood type. Type O’s should choose walnuts, and peanuts are better for Type A. Type B’s look for almonds and AB chestnuts. The phytoterols (cholesterol-like molecules) in walnuts have been shown to block estrogen receptors in breast cancer cells, possibly slowing the cells growth.
When choosing fruits based on blood type look for blueberries for Type O, blackberries for Type A, bananas for B, and cherries AB. Berries in particular are packed with cancer-fighting phytonutrients. Blackberries contain very high concentrations of phytochemicals called anthocyanins, which slow down the growth of premalignant cells and keep new blood vessels from forming. They may help fight colon, esophageal, oral and skin cancers.
These grains may be beneficial to your overall health based on your blood type. Type O and B look for Spelt. Type A should make a choice for wheat and Type AB for rye.
Garlic may not do your breath any favors, but the protections it offers against digestive cancers just might be worth the smell. Phytochemicals in garlic have been found to halt the formation of nitrosamines, carcinogens formed in the stomach…..Health Magazine
A Health Connection offers our clientele a unique lifestyle weight management program based on thier individuality and their blood type. As a result they are able to maintain normal body weight and a state of good health. This program is not restrictive, cleanses the system, and leaves a satisfied client….Brenda Ihle, RN