I have been saying for several years now that I didn’t believe cholesterol was the culprit many say it is. This is because I know it a precursor for hormone production as well as a needed nutrient for our body; especially the brain……
I would like to share another opinion by a doctor in the medical field……Cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra…..
“I was doing angiograms on people with 150 cholesterol count who had far advanced heart disease. On the contrary, I was doing angiograms on others with cholesterol of 280 and they had no heart disease.”
February is American Heart Month. Heart disease kills more Americans than any other cause of death.
Most doctors tell people high cholesterol is responsible for heart disease. But not all doctors see it that way.
Dr. Stephen Sinatra says the real cause of heart disease is inflammation, not cholesterol, and I agree with him.
Dr. Sinatra says Statin drug side effects can be debilitating causing muscle pain, fatigue and other negative effects. This outweighs any help they may be in many cases.
Hydrogenated oils and too much sugar in the diet are some of the main culprits in causing heart disease. Learning how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet are wonderful preventives of heart disease and many other debilitating conditions.
A Health Connection not only offers products, but services as well to help educate clients in regaining and maintaining good health……..Brenda Ihle, RN
Certified Holistic Nutritionist
Holistic Health Practitioner