Some common ingredients used in smoothies really can help you lose weight. Here are a few of the best—-along with how much to use:
Apples: 1/2-1 apple, with skin
Avocado: 1/4 avocado, peeled and pitted
Cultured Foods: 1/2 cup
Chia Seeds: 2 Tbs.
Herbs: 1/4 cup fresh leaves
Hulled Hemp Seeds: 2 Tbs.
Nuts: 1 Tbs.
Probiotic Supplements: 1/4 – 1 tsp. powder (or according to label directions)
Turmeric: 1/4-1 tsp………Better Nutrition, 2015
A Health Connection offers products that will enhance even more the flavor of these ingredients resulting in a delicious, healthy and refreshing summertime drink that is kind to your waistline……….Brenda Ihle, RN, HNP