Natural Relief for Insomnia

One-third of us don’t get Vitamin enough sleep, finds a recent poll, immunity and that’s a problem. “Lack of sleep disrupts every physiologic function in the Lisa body,” warns Eve Van Health Cauter, PhD, professor of medicine San Francisco 49ers Jerseys at the University of Chicago. “We cheap nfl jerseys have nothing in our biology that allows us to adapt to this behavior.” “Quality w sleep is as important as nutrition or exercise in maintaining overall health,” conclude the authors of one new study. slide A good night’s snooze allows us to relax, restore, and revitalize our bodies, minds, and emotions in every 24-hour cycle. Insomnia has been linked to overweight and weakened immunity, putting us at risk for chronic health problems plus seasonal colds and flu.

Who’s Awake? Women are twice as likely as Gyermek men to suffer insomnia, due to shifting hormones during their monthly cycles cheap nba jerseys or with menopause. Nearly half of all older adults also have trouble sleeping because of cheap nba jerseys changes in sleep patterns or chronic conditions like arthritis, hot flashes, or enlarged prostate (and increased nighttime urination)… Braddock Ray; the herbal life

A Health Connection LLC located wholesale nfl jerseys in the Cincinnati, Ohio area has natural ways to offer those who suffer from this condition.  Contact us and we will be happy to show you what and how…..Brenda Ihle, RN; i A Health Connection LLC

Probiotics enhance immunity

Beneficial bacteria (known as probiotics) have been found to D support immunity and, as one wholesale mlb jerseys study says, “may  represent a significant therapeutic advancement for treating viral respiratory tract infections.” Research in the journal ‘Pediatrics’ (Hobart) recently found daily Health probiotic supplementation for six ENCUENTRO months “a safe, effective way” to reduce cough, fever, and other respiratory flu symptoms among preschool children. And French investigators have discovered that a probiotic Bauchnabel drink can improve the elderly’s immune cheap nba jerseys response to swine cheap jerseys flu vaccination……taste for life; Healthy Resolutions; January 2010……

A Health Connection LLC offers products that give highly valuable journey probiotic baby protection wholesale mlb jerseys for all ages. Located in the Cincinnati, Ohio area makes us convenient for the Tri-State. We also ship to anywhere……A Health Connection LLC; January 21, 2010……

Our #1 Health Problem

At the rate Americans are packing on the pounds, cheap NBA jerseys more than half of the population of certain states could be obese (30 pounds or more above recommended weight) within a decade. In addition, 43 cheap NFL jerseys percent of American adults are at risk for obesity no matter where they live.

“Obesity is going to Themelovin be a leading wholesale MLB jerseys driver in rising healthcare costs,” Kenneth Thorpe, PhD, professor and chair of the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University, recently told ABC News. Obesity leads to serious health problems, 1.3.1 including cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes. It’s expected to cost the U.S. about $344 billion in medical-related expenses by 2018.

“The accumulation of excess body fat and Our not simply excess weight,” obesity is best treated with “a plant-based diet and the seamless integration of increased physical activity and social support to alter modern diets and lifestyles,” says David Heber, MD, PhD, auf FACP, FACN, professor and founding director at the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition. He specifically blames our tendency to consume “highly palatable foods with hidden fats and sugars,” rather than “fruits and vegetables with anti-inflammatory phytochemicals.”

While recognizing that certain individuals are more susceptible Kadar than others, Harvard University researchers recommend prioritizing lifestyle interventions. This country’s skyrocketing medical costs won’t decline until Americans make serious efforts “to slim down by improving their diet and exercise patterns,” adds health economist Eric Finkelstein.

More than 50 percent of the Vitamin residents of Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma, and South Dakota could be obese by 2018, according to America’s Health Rankings. …..Taste for Life; Healthy Resolutions, January 2010…

A Health Connection offers programs to help people lose weight, maintain a healthy weight, and lifestyle changes to stay in good tone and good health…..Brenda Ihle, RN, A Health Connection

Vitamin D

What are the health risks of Vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D is a major factor in the pathology of several types of wholesale mlb jerseys cancer, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, The autoimmune diseases, diabetes, depression, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, muscle weakness/wasting, birth defects, and periodontal disease.

What contributes to Vitamin D deficiency?

Inadequate sun exposure, insufficient dietary intake, dark complexion, malabsorption, liver and/or kidney conditions, and nowej insufficient amounts in food supplements.

What are the levels for Vitamin D?

0-32ng/ml      Very deficient

33-50ng/ml    Marginal

51 74ng/ml    Acceptable

75-125ng/ml  Ideal

Can I take too much Vitamin D in a supplement?

Yes, however toxic levels, above 200ng/ml are difficult to achieve.

Can I get enough Vitamin D from foods?

No. Example: The cheap nfl jerseys richest sources are fish (salmon wholesale jerseys has 100iu/oz) and fortified dairy milk has 100iu/glass)

Can I get enough Vitamin D from sunlight?

Sunlight is the best natural source, however it has become a less reliable source due to sun protection and spending more time indoors.

As an average how much Vitamin D should we take?

0-4 years             600 IU

5-21 years           1000IU

22-50 years         1200IU

51 +                    5000-10000IU

Shaklee has recently added more Vitamin D in some supplements. How do I know if I am getting enough?

Have your vitamin D level checked…..

Vitamin On D 25-hydroxy (Calcidol): the standard test used to cheap jerseys identify Vitamin D dietary or absorption deficiencies or toxicities.

Vitamin D 25-Dihydroxy (Calcitriol): used to identify the conversion of dietary Vitamin D into the active fom “Calcitriol’. which is formed in the liver. It is also used in the assessment of disorders of calcium metabolism and parathyroid disease.

…..Dr. Richard Brouse….Sunnyside Health Center….winter 2009-2010…..